Saturday, December 02, 2006


This week has been equal parts shit and barf. It's been a craptacular week and it seemed like there was no end in sight. To properly describe my week I would have to say it was like wading in a pool of Satan's post spicy burrito diarrhea, then all of a sudden getting a wicked leg cramp and going under....without taking a proper breath first.

Work blew. I can't say much more than that because no words in the English dictionary properly describe how much it fucking sucked. I have come to the conclusion that I hate every single fucktard I work with and I am the only non-idiot there. For a bunch of smart people they sure are stupid.

Class this week wasn't much better. Again, I was (and always am) surrounded by morons. But apparently you can be a complete and total retard and as long as you kiss major ass you'll be a fucking wonderkid. To add to the fuckfest a new girl just tranfered into the program from a school in California (yes for all of you stalkers keeping track on your "Where does Steph live" maps at home that means I don't like in California. 1 State down, 48 more to weed through). If California was personified and was up walking around, taking class notes and sucking dick it would be this chick. The very look of her annoys the ever loving shit out of me. And she has ever bookworm douche bag boy in this program walking around with a permaboner. She acts ditzy too, which I can't stand. She's one of those girls that plays the role of the helpless little girl because she thinks that's what men like. I wan't to smack her with someone's penis and say "Bitch, you're in the medical program of a pretty fucking fantastic school. Obviously you're not a moron so stop acting like it and stop setting back the feminist movement. Thanks. Bye". *Thwap* (That was the sound of the dick smacking her cheek. )

So all I wanted to do last night was go out with my girlfriends, have stupid men who think buying a chick drinks is a surefire way into her pants order me up some tasty beverages and relax. But no, that wouldn't be a proper ending to the week that wouldn't end. Nope, Walsh decided to make a surprise appearance at MY bar with his brother and a few friends. Of course he tried playing it coy for about an hour. Notice I said TRIED. Yeah, he wasn't so covert while he was practically staring a hole into the back of my head. He even pulled the junior high classic move, staring at a chick and when she turns around and actually SEES you looking at her you quickly turn away and pretend like you weren't. It's a classic.

So I've established he's a stalker.

Tonight Kiki, Claire and I have decided to invite ourselves to our friend Seth's bachelor party. We've talked about it for weeks and I'm pretty sure he thinks we're joking. We're not. We're going.


browser58 said...

I am very familiar with the fucktard problem at work, except in my case it starts at the mgt+1 level and gets worse on the way up.

Sounds like Walsh has a major case of cut off his dick to spite his chick.

Good luck at the Bachelor Party, try not to wind up as the floor show.

New Texan said...

Interesting stuff... hope the bachelor party was fun.

By the way, it is a little known fact that Dickens considered opening the Tale of Two Cities with the line


however, he ended up going with "it was the beste of times, it was the worst of times."

Blogosaurus Rex said...
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Blogosaurus Rex said...

Ok.. That was too gross even for me. I had to delete it.

Haha.. Great analogy (The Satan one..)

I think Walsh probably has a Steph-shrine set up in his living room where he keeps pictures of you and assorted mementos of your relationship like used condoms. Watch out.

Memphis said...

OK, I'm marking off California. I had pretty much already eliminated it since you and Avery said you both met there and then when she moved to KC you still seemed to have regular contact with her, but weren't in the same school anymore. Somehow there was logic to that, but now it escapes me. Sorry your week blew. My weekend blew. That's why today's post is basically just about who I'd like to fuck and nothing more.

Sounds like Walsh has changed his mind. If you liked him you might reel him back in.

My senior year in college I had several classes with a blonde-haired beauty who came across as ditzy. We were studying at her place one night at about 2 a.m. when we made up some extra strong coffee and ended up talking half the night away on a caffeine buzz. She confided in me that in middle school she had been labeled a brain and it hurt her feelings 'cause the girls were being really nasty about it. So she started acting dumb. Even sleeping through class she managed to pass with ease, so she kept doing it. She quickly became popular on the basis of being a major hottie. So life was good. But then she said she got stuck acting ditzy. It became her regular personality. And she got used to making Cs. So in college, most of the time, she partied and made Cs. During her senior year she wanted to finish up, so she applied her considerable brain and began to blow away the grade curve. It was something to see. She was a genius, but everyone thought she was a blonde-haired ditz. She probably has her own damned company by now.

JohnnyBoy said...

WOW! and I thought I was the only smart one surrounded by idiots!

Me! said...

Girl I just found you again.... give me time to catch up on all that's goin on your world. :-) I've got a lot of shit to read!

Jon said...

Oh, the dreaded leg cramp...

Sorry it's been such a shitter of a week. It will get better, it has to.

Walsh just misses the incredible sex he just threw away. MORON!!

I am not turned on by the ditzy thing so much. Plus, I think blonde hair is WAY over-rated.

I don't care where you live as long as I can read about your exploites.

So how was the bach party. Did you get there before the stripper was done?

ShelloKittyLuv said...

"(yes for all of you stalkers keeping track on your "Where does Steph live" maps at home that means I don't like in California. 1 State down, 48 more to weed through)"

Boys, we should start in the center of the country and fan out from there. We shall convene a search party in Kansas City. Is that the center of the country? Or should we start in St. Louis? Oh, what the heck, I have already lost interest in finding Steph. I want to find Walsh.