Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Study up for the oral exam

I have discovered a new sexual joy: a boy who is VERY eager to please. My past sexual experiences have been with men who have been around a time or two and who know what they're doing. Of course there have been the few missteps where you think a guy is going to be fanfuckingtastic in bed and he ends up doing something weird like humping your leg or making animal noises while his little 5 incher struggles to make any kind of difference in your mood. But for the most part the men I've slept with have known what they're doing it, have done it and done it well and then all was right and good in the world. And though I know my own sexuality can be pretty intimidating to lesser men, they've all done a pretty good job of putting on their cocky (pun not intended but still pretty damn funny) face and pretending they're sex gods.

From the jump I told Youngster I wasn't interested in a project. I wasn't going to impart my sex wisdom on him and wasn't going to mold him into the sexual beast I was hoping he could be. I just don't have that kind of energy. So right away the boy was scared shitless that one wrong penis motion and I'd boot his ass out the door. So when he came over a week ago he brought his "A" game and a STRONG desire to make me scream as loud as humanly possible.

I think every normal woman enjoys oral and could probably be pretty damn happy if a guy just shut the fuck up and stuck his head between her legs for hours. But, we're realistic and realize that men are perpetually ADD stricken and usually don't give unless they're getting something in return. So we have come to know that no clit licking session is going to last for more than 10-20 minutes.

Oh...but if you snag yourself a young pup who wants to make a good first impression you get over an hour of some serious carpet licking and finger play. I felt like writing his mother a letter or something....

"Dear Mrs. ______,
I'm writing to simply say thank you. I don't know what you did, but your son has grown up to be a fine young man. His aggressive "go getter" attitude is going to take him far in life. In fact, it took him right down to my vagina where he spent over an hour making me see spots and scream for God. Well done mam!"

After my oral pleasure fest he got up, got me something to drink, kissed my forehead and left. My job was done. All I had to do was lay there and bask in the glory of that monumental event...and then fall asleep. Score!

Don't worry, we eventually had sex the next day and that was pretty fucking good too. In fact, I was eager to reward him for his good deeds. Maybe that was his plan all along. Smart cookie.

Well, finals are over, I'm on break and I get to cram Christmas shopping into 3 fun fulled days. I head home Saturday night. I feel like I was just there. Oh wait! I was. I suggest we spread Christmas and Thanksgiving a little further out. This is too much family time for one person to have to endure.


Memphis said...

He's a lucky boy. And apparently smart, too. It sounds like he already got you what you wanted for Christmas and it was very merry.

Hope you have a good Christmas. If it gets to be too much while you're there you can always email me and tell me all about it. I truly have nothing better going on and your life is at least twice as interesting as my own.

Blogosaurus Rex said...

Congrats on the find.

See, there's one thing I don't get though.. I had this night with a fabulously gorgeous hottie last year, and for whatever reason, probably just rusty (hey, it had been over a year), little blogosaurus just wasn't "up" to the task. I made sure I gave her the "A" oral game however, and she was walking funny when I dropped her off (and I was talking funny for a few days..). You'd think she'd be wanting more, but our follow up date didn't go anywhere, although there was some heavy making out.

I guess lots of us guys like to think that if we give you a tongue-inspired orgasm, that you'll be doing our dishes/laundry and following us around begging for attention. Maybe there was another guy in the picture I didn't know about.

Miss Sarah said...

Rock on Steph! Santa must've brought you your gift early! Hey, at least you didn't have to fake it!

Clint said...

Well you lucky little whore, good for you! You use the word "home" so freely, as if to taunt us, well it worked. Have fun at home watching the free mom and pop porn and watch out for the slick spots on the couch. Have a Merry Christmas!

PJay said...

Kudos to your boy for up and leaving after the marathon munching session. A lesser man would have demanded reciprocation once you put your glass down.

Gotta love the eager and willing!!

New Texan said...

Nothing like getting a little Xmas gift early...

have a happy/safe holiday.

browser58 said...

Coo coo cachoo Mrs Robinson, sounds like you hit the jackpot.

Ryan said...

Ahhh - I remember when I was young and smart like that.... barely.

JohnnyBoy said...

You've killed two birds with one stone...1. The kid produced a great sexual experience for you and 2. You have a story to share at the family Christmas dinner..."God bless us, everyone!"

ShelloKittyLuv said...

Steph, we west-coast, female med students prefer to be completely shaven. We like the pre-pubescent look. What do you midwest, female med students prefer? Completely shaven, landing strip or 70s porn? I bet you have a fro down there the size of a fully-popped Jiffy Pop.

Jon said...

You sound so happy. Must be love at first lick.

I am envious, thats all.

Memphis said...

Where you at, doc?!

Blogosaurus Rex said...

You back yet? I need my fix :(

Clint said...

no new years stories...bullshit...get you lazy ass to typing.